How To Reduce Your Bills With Better Insulation
Energy bills are not about to go down, so taking measures around the house to reduce costs is becoming more important than ever. Plenty of energy is consumed through heating and cooling, translating to high bills every day. With better insulation, you get to spend less and still enjoy a comfortable room temperature. The attic area of your house is one major area that determines how much heat is lost or retained. Our Bay Area attic insulation company will help you achieve the perfect living environment.
It is estimated that 50-70% of the energy is used in American homes goes to heating and cooling. During the summer, your HVAC is overworked to ensure you get a cool temperature and the same happens during winter to generate warmth. The result is higher energy bills that can be prevented through better insulation. Your attic will affect heat loss and retention. Insulating the area will therefore lower your energy consumption rate and hence, your bills.
Under normal circumstances, hot air rises. If your attic is not properly insulated, the hot air leaves other rooms and escapes to the attic area, leaving you colder. Your HVAC reacts by working harder to ensure the room is heated. During winter, cold air will move through the attic or crawl space to your house, cooling the entire place. More energy will be needed to counter the cold and keep the house warm. To prevent heat loss, one needs to have their attic insulated by professionals.
Unfortunately, not all houses are adequately insulated, and that’s why your house may be insulated but still incur high electricity bills. Services such as Bay Area attic insulation removal and replacement will help deal with such issues. Professionals will remove the insulation and properly reinstall it to ensure that your utility bills are reduced.
For new homes, it’s even easier to have insulation installed since there is no old insulation that needs to be taken out. Professional attic insulation installation services come in handy at such moments. Experts will determine the insulation that best suits your house and help you decide on the type of insulation to settle for, depending on whether you need to use or access the area between the ceiling and the roof.
Even if you possess some skills in insulation installation, it’s advisable to consult experts for a quote on quality services. The task can be time consuming and the clean up and disposal of old insulation may not be something you want to deal with. Getting a free quote on our Bay Area and Oakland attic insulation installation services can help you decide whether you want to take the task on yourself or spend a bit of money to have someone take care of it for you. Installing better insulation not only lowers your utility bills but also helps keep away rodents and other critters that you don’t want living in your attic.